Welcome Home, Kitten!
By Trence Mayberry, Paragon City Chronicle
ATLAS PARK - It's been almost a month since we've last seen Power, Incorporated's Kitten With a Whip flying through the high rise buildings of Paragon City.
And it's no wonder. This poor hero has had a tough month -- she was smeared by the media, abruptly departed for Japan, went head-to-head with supervillain Sake Bomb, and went missing in action after the building she was in exploded then collapsed around her.

"I got a call this morning saying that she had been found at Harajuku's hospital. A young girl around 15 to 16 had brought her in," reported Mason Shura, the leader of the Power, Inc orporated rescue and recovery team. "When questioned, the teenager had this to say: 'I helped Kitten with the fight against Sake Bomb.' Needless to say, I was a bit surprised, but then again, you never know what amount a power someone has, even if they're a bit young," he concluded.
Kitten With a Whip verified the girls story, adding with a grin: "You should have seen the look on Sake Bomb's face."
This reporter recently met with our recovering hero in her Chiron hospital room.
Trence Mayberry: "Miss, uh, Whip, the question that is on everyone's mind is -- what happened to Sake Bomb?"
Kitten With a Whip (with an evil smile): "She messed with Kitten's tail and got her eyes scratched out. That’s all you need to know."
TM: Kitten, before you left Paragon City, there had been a rather critical article on this city's hero costumes. How did you feel about that?
KWaW:"Well, in all honesty, I really didn’t care. The day before that aritcle came out I had received some urgent information about a young hero who needed my help. So I used the article as an excuse to leave the city, knowing that people easily believe these things. And I didn’t want any unnecessary attention drawn toward the girl. Unfortunately, Sake Bomb has been intercepting a lot more than just newspaper articles."
TM: What can you tell us about new young hero?
KWaW: "She is super-talented and a very special young lady. I'm going to be her mentor, and will train her to be a great hero. I believe that Paragon City will benefit from having her here. I'm very excited to be able to help her out."
TM: What's the first thing you are going to do when you get out of the hospital?
KWaW: "Well, I have some unfinished business with a certain tailor. (she coughs) Then I'll head out to Bloody Bay and take the rest of Sake Bomb's organization.
TM: "I have time for one more question, Miss Whip. What's this new hero's name?"
KWaW: (Blushing deeply)"'Lill Kit N' -- It was her idea, though, not mine. And so very sweet of her. It's really cute, and if I think about it too much, I get the giggles."
TM: "Thank you for your time, Miss Whip. I know this reporter is looking forward to seeing 'Lill Kitt N' in action."
KWaW: "No, thank you!"
And with that I was escorted out of the room so Kitten could finish her jello.
So there you have it. Kitten With a Whip is back in town fighting crime, bringing with her a fresh new hero that I'm sure we will all be proud of.
This is Trence Mayberry, heading to the cafeteria for some jello of my own.