Hero Profile: Power.Gal
by Adolphus Merrifort, Pargon City Times
STEEL CANYON - Today we'll be interviewing one of Paragon City's newest, most talked about heroes -- sorry -- heroines, who is relatively new to the hero scene. Her moniker is Power.Gal, and she's a member of the famous supergroup, Power, Incorporated.
As covered by many a paper, she was a member of the undercover Paragon City security force team who rescued the trio of Paragon City's top scientists known by the public as "The Brain Trust." As everyone knows, they were behind most of the anti-Rikti technology designed by Crey Industries.
But for Sarina M'insk, a different destiny was in store. It was her part-human ancestry that forever changed her future -- the toxic radiation Sarina was exposed to during the dangerous rescue altered her chemical make-up, permanently transforming her.

This reporter had a brief chance to catch up with our new hero and hear anwers to often asked questions.
Adolphus Merrifort: Good morning, Power.Gal. Thank you for agreeing to the interview.
Power.Gal: I'm happy to be here, but let's make it quick -- I'm on a timed mission.
AM: What made you decide to become Power.Gal?
PG: As you know, I've spent my life protecting Paragon City. I was a member of the Lady Scouts as a child, the Paragon City Junior Guard as a teen, the Galaxy City Gals protective force at 19 and eventually the Paragon City Elite Security Corps by 20. Hell, I even played the sherriff in Best Little Whorehouse in Texas at 21! (laughs) No, I'm kidding of course. I've never even been to Texas.
AM: Uh, quite. Well, Power.Gal, what was it like gaining super powers? Was it hard to adjust?
PG: Well, as everyone knows, I spent months recovering from the radiation exposure from that rescue mission. Even with the extra protective gear, the entire team was lucky to live. Some didn't. (pauses) But my, uh, background affected me differently. But it was wonderful! Despite the initial pain, I can help people like I never could before. It's exciting and fulfulling, I suppose. I'm just lucky that it happened to me.
AM: Little Cindy May from Podunk, Idaho wrote us recently, informing our audience that you have over 100 fan clubs across Paragon City. Any message for her?
PG: There are only four, actually. But that's sweet of little Cindy May. I'd just like to say thank you to you and all of your wonderful, supportive friends who wrote me those lovely letters -- all 12 of them. Girls, if putting super villains behind bars were a lovely layer cake, the support of tots everywhere like you would be the sugary icing. But alas, I must go -- duty calls.
AM: How...uh, well, thank you again for joining us, Power.Gal.
PG: No, no, thank you. It's been my pleasure.
And with that, Power.Gal flew away, leaving this reporter choking in a cloud of noxious green gas. But this reporter is all the better for it, despite the fact that I'm somehow acne free.
Hero Snapshot
Name: Power.Gal

Archetype: Defender - Power.Gal is also a long-range support specialist. She focuses on strengthening her teammate's abilities (buffing) and weakening foes (debuffing). Defenders needs to keep an eye both on her teammates and her enemies - and she does - to see which requires her powerful attention first!
Primary Power Pool: Radiation Emission - The radiation emission power pool utilizes the healing properties of radiation to mend allies wounds. This power radiates out from Power.Gal and restores some health to all nearby heroes - a life-saving power that's very handy in battle!
Secondary Power Pool: Radiation Blast - Power.Gal can blast with lethal radiation, sometimes from her fists, sometimes from her eyes. Her radiation blast powers can bypass normal defenses, as well as reduce the targets defense, coming in handy for that last shot that takes the villain down.
Well, she's always been one of my favorites, despite being a rag-tag relation.
3/07/2006 08:34:00 PM
Having been on the receiving end of one of Power.Gal's "radiation blasts", I can state with confidence that they are definitely lethal and tend to linger for weeks. It took 10 bottles of Febreeze just to get the scent out of my upholstery!
3/11/2006 06:36:00 AM
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