City of Heroes Supergroup Blog

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Hero Costumes: Fad or Fiction?

By Abraxis Smith, Paragon City Tattler

TALOS ISLAND - The public's obsession with hero fashion in Paragon City is nothing new. But is a different costume always a change for the better?

When heroes first began to appear in Paragon City shortly after the Rikti invasion, costumes were often a basic affair -- a simple leotard tucked into functional boots with an old table cloth for a cape. Many have evolved their looks over time, reflecting the changing taste of the public or the hero.

"That was before I arrived on the scene, darling," sniffed Jacques, a tailor and costume designer for the ICON chain of hero costume stores. "Heroes have never looked better."

And it's true. Citizens today witness all sorts of colorful and expressive costumes, capes and accessories. Today's costume theme? Showing off the incredible shape a hero is in. Fighting crime seems to pay off in hard bodies, cut abs and tight ends.

Or has it? A recent costume redesign by Jacques for Power, Incorporated supergroup member Kitten with a Whip demonstrates why costume design leaves little room for error. Images captured recently by the Paragon City sewer system security camera (see right) confirm months of rumors that Kitten's quest to complete her cape academy training had resulted in unsightly weight gain.

"We did the best we could!" Jacques snapped defensively. "Just look at her, darling. Weight has always been a monkey on her back, but now she's got a racoon on her shoulder! I pleaded with her -- begged her -- but she would not listen. So the rodent stays, ma chere. And I most definitely refuse to be blamed for the periwinkle blue Ugg boots -- those are all Kitten, mon dieu."

So what do our heroes think? This reporter recently met with one of our more well-known supers to ask first hand: "Do tomorrow's heroes believe their costumes send the wrong message to Paragon City's youth of today?"

"I am so tired of that question," laments Dora Dementia, one of Galaxy City's more, uh, ample heroes. "Kids today are far more obsessed with my body shape than I am. Don't they know it's their deeds that count, not their size? You heard what happened to that sweet little Accupunture hero that died recently? She may have been a hero, but a building fell on her -- an entire building! All that dieting didn't save her skinny ass from the Clockwork that day, lemme tell ya. Listen sweetie -- I’m just out here fighting crime...and mental illness!”

Requests for interviews were not returned by representatives of Power, Incorporated and Kitten with a Whip before press deadline. Part two of this series of articles forthcoming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you remember the awful things they said about that what's-her-name before she jumped out the window! There, you see, I can't even remember her name so who cares, Edith?

3/06/2006 06:34:00 AM

Blogger The Davids said...

Fortunately, I have invulnerability -- so I'm rather thick-skinned and not affected by such trashy reporting.

However, my advice is to make Jacques pay for another redesign, something closer to your original costume, but this time with the Moochie and maybe a plaid cape.


3/06/2006 12:07:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or is Kitten a bit defensive about her weight? Hmm, maybe the Tattler is on to something. You should prove them all wrong, Kitten, by squeezing back into that size 4 skirt.

3/06/2006 12:10:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Jacques just prefers costuming boys -- I mean, I look hot, right? The reporter even said so. :)

3/06/2006 12:11:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've passed up the Santa hat, the toga, and any other costume changes. I don't feel comfortable with the "extra" service that Jacques likes to provide for the guys.
Now dont get me wrong or miss quote me, but I have no issues with gay heroes. My best friend and mentor, Mason Shura is gay.

3/06/2006 12:28:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder he won't give me the time of day.

3/06/2006 01:57:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Incoming Transmission*
*Article Intercepted*
*Transmission Received*

Hey lil Kitten!

How bout I give you a one way ticket to Rogue Isles? Im sure me and the boys could give you the work out you need. Hopefully lighten you up, maybe cut off an arm or a leg.......possibly your head.

And send my thanks to that lovely tailor of yours. Let him know the guys are alot rougher here.
From what my sources have told me, he likes it that way.

Oh BTW its not the clothes that make you look fat,chubby. Its the fat that makes you look fat.

Your ever so hateful,
Sake Bomb

P.S. The boys say Hello.

3/06/2006 03:04:00 PM

Blogger The Davids said...

See folks? I told you villains are scanning our communications. Please be careful of Sake Bomb - she's rumored to be the villian behind several recent hero disappearances. Notice I don't say deaths -- we haven't recovered any bodies yet.

Be careful out there.


3/06/2006 03:23:00 PM

Blogger David Bicha said...

Wow, I thought Jacques did a great job with MY costume...Maybe he's just not comfortable around rodents.

3/06/2006 05:25:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Honey, thats not what i've heard.

3/06/2006 05:31:00 PM


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