Mason and the Monsters
By Herman Merman, Striga Isle Informer
STRIGA ISLE - Paragon City has seen a lot of changes lately, and according to some, changes not for the better.

"I mean, I'm like, glad they are here and everything," said Tiffany Gelsax, a young, single mother of three. "But sometimes it would be nice to be saved by a good-looking hero, you know? Like that Lava.Lad. Or even Power.Boy. But have you seen the hero call L'il Horfrost?" Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Sometimes he looks like a really short Santa Claus with goat horns, but lately he's been running around looking like the Abominable Snowman. And it's like, scaring the crap outta my kids."
Many zones in Paragon City have monsters -- just take a trip to the forests in Striga Isle or frankly anywhere in Croatoa.
But happily, not everyone feels that the increasing presence of monsters in Paragon City is a problem.

"Power, Incorporated doesn't just accept any hero you know. And besides - the warshades turn into monsters all the time but no one seems to have a problem with that. And look at all the wolves and tuatha there are everywhere! But when a hero decides to grow a little fur..."
Mason drifted away for a second with a small smile on his lips before catching himself. Clearly the man likes a little fur.
"Anyway, it's simply NOT a problem for us," he finished firmly before flying away.
Not a problem indeed.
This reporter tried to learn more about Power, Incorporated's plans to include more monsters on its roster, including rumors that a new young hero called Power.Babe is being groomed for membership; that he's really an amputee decendent of the great Babe, the Big Blue Ox.
Naturally, neither Power.Woman nor L'il Horfrost could not be reached for comment.
Well, I for one LOVE monsters - they're such INTERESTING people, my stars...
7/18/2006 06:43:00 AM
Well said Mason! Even though I'm Dora! And I'm Mental! I can still say that we don't let people in based on looks! Or smell! Or taste in clothes! Or overuse of exclamation points!
It's all right there in our name! Power! That and being polite!
7/18/2006 05:23:00 PM
7/20/2006 09:42:00 AM
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