A Big Power Thank You

Just a quick note to all of the Power, Incorporated members who played this last weekend. Paragon City seemed to hit with wave after wave of crime and questionable doings; a challenge met by so many heroes that citizens were overheard saying "even the newest of heroes must have doubled their experience this weekend!"

And, unfortunately, Kitten With a Whip's worst enemy Sake Bomb -- and now Power, Incorporated's, too -- has been spotted in Cap du Diable kidnapping a citizen with the help of another old enemy, Fire.Widow. Fortunately, the local longbow agents were able to stop the kidnapping, but the two villains got away again.

Also, thanks to all of you who helped keep our superbase clean and functioning -- our new zone teleporters to Striga Isle, The Hollows, Crey's Folly and Perez Park proved very successful, and our new resurrection ring was used heavily this past weekend, allowing us to bypass the very public hospitals -- protecting our reputation and pride all at the same time.
So congratulations to all of you for showing up and helping out this past weekend- many of us increased our levels, our strength and our experience, and several of us scored new powers, too -- all important tools to help us in our ongoing fight to protect Pargon City and its fair citizens.
- PW
P.S. Got pictures? If you or your friends have any good photos from this past weekend, please forward them to me for a possible gallery.
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