Hero Profile: Power.Lad
by Hepsibah Jones, Special Correspondent
INDEPENDENCE PORT - We've recently learned about one of his supergroup teammates, today we'll be learning about him. He's handsome, powerful and a military device expert -- he's Power.Lad, one of the most famous members of the supergroup Power, Incorporated.
As the nephew of the infamous Power.Woman, his place in the supergroup was pretty much guaranteed at birth.
"That doesn't mean I didn't have to earn my way in. All propsective members go through a rigorous background screening process and a very challenging battery of physical test. I wasn't sure I was going to make it, despite Auntie's position," he laughed.

"It was amazing how quickly he picked up the nuance of weapons control," said his father, proudly, wiping a tear from his eye. "Nothing can match the sense of pride a father feels seeing their six-year-old master an AK-47 so quickly."
Enter the teen years - filled with drive, puppy love and acne. It was during these years that he developed his flame powers, eventually qualifying for Pyro-Technic Blaster status.
"Yeah, it was a bit of an awkward time for me," Power.Lad admits. " I mean, nothing says lovin' like spontaneously catching fire while making love for the first time. Man, she was pissed. But happily, I was acquitted. Not that we're friends today, though, " he finished, grinning sheepishly.
A frequent headliner in many a Paragon City gossip rag, Power.Lad takes it all in stride.
"Take that recent coverage of Kitten with a Whip," he said. "I didn't even know anything about the news coverage of her recent weight gain, much less any problem with her tailor. I mean, they took that picture from the sewer mish and pasted it everywhere! I did think that she was starting to look a bit like Steve Austin in a tracksuit and cape, but I didn't say anything. I didn't have to -- all that negative coverage sent her packing to her dad's in Japan."
"I have always looked good in the costumes I've gotten from ICON, despite the problems she's had with Jacques," he continued, not so modestly. "But I told her before that she should only work directly with the owner like the rest of the Power family. It really makes the difference," he said. "They keeping asking me to be their spokesman, but I just don't do endorsements -- even if..."
Touching what seemed to be some sort of communicator ear piece, he held up his hand for quiet and listened intently for a moment.
"I'm sorry, I've got to go."
And with that, he flew away, his costume changing as he ascended.
Hero Snapshot

Origin: Magic - Power.Lad receives his powers from an unknown magical source. Most suspect a magical artifact given to him at birth by the Power family.
Archetype: Blaster - Power.Lad is an offensive juggernaut. Whether up close or afar, he can deal out tremendous amounts of damage. But he is also quite fragile and must therefore be on guard before getting into combat. A blaster can turn the tide of a conflict, but they need their friends to help them succeed.
Primary Power Pool: Fire Blast - The powers in this pool not only deal massive damage, but they can slow the enemy as well.
Secondary Power Pool: Devices - All of Power.Lad's devices help slow, hold or reduce a villain's accuracy. By using his two power pools together, he can effectively snipe a single bad guy or a small mob with Flares or Fire Blast, lock down their movement and deal damage with Caltrops and Rain of Fire, then finish them off with massive amounts of group damage using Fire Ball, Fire Breath, Trip Mine and Time Bomb.
It's true - we did give him a magical talisman when he was a baby. But we do that for all Power clan members as each piece adds to the over all power of our group.
- PW
3/10/2006 02:31:00 PM
Well, I think he's dreamy.
3/11/2006 12:24:00 PM
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