Power.Woman's Secret Love Child?
by Syliva Praxis, Talos Tattler
TALOS ISLAND - We've all read Power.Lad's official background story: local boy born to average parents wows world when he discovers his super powers and is recruited by his aunt, Power.Woman, to join the infamous supergroup Power, Incorporated. We also know about the rumors that his entrance fees, exams and trials were waived; that he basically got a free ride even though Power.Lad vehmently denies this.
Now's there's a new twist in his story: The Talos Tattler has discovered that his indentity, Jon Prince, may not even be his real name. In fact, we've learned his last name is actually Power.

Not her nephew? Futher research revealed that Lava.Lad may actually be his real father, and that his mother may be Power.Woman. A scandalous revelation backed up by other city worker.
"We're convinced he's their child," said another anonymous employee. "It's very likely that she and Lava.Lad met during their imprisonment during the war Rikti war. They could have mated then." He paused dramatically. "But we feel that it's more likely that Crey scientists kidnapped them, blanked their memories and cloned Power.Lad from their DNA."
"We do not comment on rumors and innuendo," stated the Crey Laboratories representative flatly. "Now please leave before we have you, uh, removed. Permanently."
"Why, that's outrageous!" shouted Mr. John Prince, Power.Lad's alleged father when confronted on the subject. "We love Jon, he's our, our son. He's not uh, an experiment. Now you all get off my land!" he yelled, cocking his shotgun. "Before I take you out myself!"

"Girl, I seen 'em," says Yola Favrix. "What a sight, too, I mean, honeychil', there's hot, then there's HOT. That girl must be invulnerable, 'cos there they were, making out like bandits surround by a glowing ring of fire. But then I think they seen me 'cos the fire suddenly went out and they flew away!"
Naturally, this reporter tried to learn more directly from the source.
"We have absolutely no comment!" said Power.Woman firmly, "and neither do any members of Power, Incorporated. Please do not broach this subject again."
Ouch. Strong words from a strong woman.
I think maybe, just maybe we've hit a nerve.
You know, I wondered why Power.Lad's costume was so similar. Well, I like Lava.Lad, so who cares, anyways? Or is this a big scandal cos PW's a virgin (or supposed to be?)
7/11/2006 12:41:00 PM
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