City of Heroes Supergroup Blog

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Kitten With a Whip Finds Soulmate?

By Cornelius Whimbleweather, Paragon City Chronicle

Paragon City's favorite underdog, Kitten with a Whip, has been through a lot lately.

Graduating from a tumultous teendom, she's now a strong, confident heroine in her late twenties, showing the younger generation how you too can be, well, super. Despite a series of articles that cruelly chronicled her struggles to keep her super-figure, Kitten has always maintained a positive outlook and a sassy attitude.

a loner, Kitten is a fierce defender of the Power, Incorporated supergroup, and can often be found helping new and older members alike. A loner who preferred not to become involved with another superhero.

Until today.

An exlusive photo reveals that Kitten with a Whip has secretly been giving kisses AND cooties to none other than Soul Alchemist, a radical, mouthy hero with a known case of Scrapper Syndrom.

"It's true," says Yakhan, the leader of their mission assignment. "Soul had been babbling away on several missions, but when Kitten showed up, he found he'd met his verbal match." She laughed. "It was kinda cute, tho. You know, cute like a uh...rash."

Best friends forever, or future husband and wife?

This reporter doesn't know for sure, but based on their banter during recent missions, something's definitely afoot.

"They ran around the mission poking each other and giving each other cooties," said Lithium Flower, a mission specialist helping out of the day. "But that doesn't mean they weren't holding their own in battle. I've never seen two heroes who can banter so much, so quickly and still keep their head in battle."

"I've never seen such open flirting. It's true, they do give a good fight, but I've never seen a duo that could kick ass AND argue like old lovers," said Power.Gal, rolling her eyes. "But when Kitten was knocked unconcious by those nasty Freakshow bastards we were fighting, Soul was right there, beside himself in grief."

Rumors that Happy Meals and full-body heals were withheld from the bantering couple during their last three missions have not been proven.

"No comment," said Power.Gal sternly. Floating into the air and flying away, she yelled back over her shoulder, "Let's not make this more than it really is."

Calls to Kitten With a Whip and the Power, Incorporated press corps have not been returned.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

An Exclusive Look: Inside Power, Inc.'s Superbase

by Hepsibah Jones, Special Correspondent

PARAGON CITY - It's the scoop we've all been waiting for. This reporter was able to get an interview with one of our most famous heroes -- Power.Woman -- who finally consented to a viewing of the secret superbase of Power, Incorporated.

Many security checks, body scans and scalp inspections later, I was taken to a portal inside a PTA bus stop in Talos Island. This reporter has never cared for the mysterious wonderings that is transporter technology; I've always taken trains, cabs and buses. However, because this meant the difference between a scoop and well, just plain poop, I plunged ahead.

Moments later, I was happy discover that I'd materialized in one piece -- I'd made it safely. Looking around, I spotted Power.Woman right away -- who wouldn't with those persistent sparkles? An impossibly tall woman with an undeniable charm, she caught my eye, grinned, and motioned for me to join her. After we exchanged a few pleasantries (I'd written a bio on Power, Incorporated's Power.Lad a while back), she began the tour.

Power.Woman: "Let's begin with this room, shall we? This is the main room of the base, and it was the first room completed. Power.Lad took the lead on the design, and boldly mixed arcane-themed construction of the base itself with ultra-modern to great success. We also excited to report that with the help of some of Paragon City's top geo-biologists, our emerald crystal shrubs are thriving."

Hebsibah Jones: "It is a lovely room. But this isn't all, is it? What else do you use the superbase for, besides, well, relaxing?"

PW: (laughs) "Of course there's more. I'll admit that at first, the base was mostly used for relaxing. But as we added more active members, we were able to begin our expansion plans.

First and foremost, a way to generate power and the control needed to begin construction was needed. We were able to secure both thanks to the help of Power.Lad, White.Witch and Kitten with a Whip, who completed a series of private missions that helped us generate the necessary funds. Lava.Lad, Horfrost, L'il Horfrost, Quiver Me Timbers, Judo Lad, Power.Man and Power.Gal have all pitched in as well."

HJ: "So, other than lighting up the living room, what else do you need power and control generators for?"

PW: "Excellent question. The power and control generators were essential to phase two in our base plans, which was to construct a small workshop and a storage space for all the salvage we'd been collecting. Power.Lad continued to take the lead on the base layout and design, and thanks to several other members of the group, was able to install an arcane worktable and salvage storage shelf we recovered in Perez Park."

HJ: "Salvage? What is that used for? What was phase three of your base plan?"

PW: "Well, salvage is used to construct many objects needed to make a base useful -- things like the Ressurection Ring (our medical teleporter), a zone teleporter, and items that can help protect a base if it's raided. However, we're not worried about raids for now; we located the base outside normal time and space and only members of Power, Incorporated know how to find it. And once the storage was built, all of our members were then able to quickly and efficient store and share their salvage, which in turn made it easier for Power.Lad to conjour the elements needed to construct the teleporters."

HJ: "And phase three is the teleporters?"

PW: "Yes, phase three, exactly. This was the most exciting phase, as it truly made the base functional for the first time. Travelling through the myriad zones and hospitals of Paragon City can be very time-consuming and very public, not always a good thing.

So first, we located the Resurrection Ring and installed it the small infirmry we'd recently built. In fact, our second emerald crystal shrub is located there, and it's doing great feeding off the vibrations in the room. A medical teleporter is really handy; it allows members of our group to bypass Paragon City's normal teleporter network and appear in our base instead of the hospital. We're then able to teleport back to whereever we were after we've had a chance to catch our breath, have a drink, use the potty, etc.," she finished, grinning.

HJ: "Wow, that's really useful! What about this room? Are these teleporters, too? What's the glowing pink rock do?"

PW: "Yes, although we only have one up and running so far. Touching the glowing pink rock will cause a hero to magically materialize deep within the forests of Perez Park (which in turn is close to Skyway City, Steel Canyon and Kings Row) or to the far-away hilltop deep inside the Striga Isle forests (which is connected by ferry to Talos Island and Independence Port). Very handy indeed."

HJ: "And the second one?"

PW: "We're hoping to get that one up and running soon. We've got enough power to support it but we need to save up our pennies for a couple of augury tables with magic crystal balls attached that will generate the control needed to activate the second pink stone. We'll then be able to materialize in Crey's Folly and The Hollows as well -- two very distant locations. All of our members have different speeds and modes of travelling, some slower than others, you know. So these magical glowing rocks can get us there much faster, and helps us avoid the more, uh, public modes of transportation when possible.

And here we are, back at the beginnng! Do you have any more questions?"

HJ: "None here. This was amazing! As always, thank you for your time Power.Woman."

PW: "Thank you for joining me today, I hope you enjoyed the tour."

HJ: "I did indeed! Now how do I get outta here?"

PW: (laughs) "It's easy. Just step into that portal there. That's it, don't be afraid -- it'll get you there in one piece, safe and sound."

Well, I had my doubts, but this reporter did indeed make it back safely to that strange little bus stop in Talos Island, all in one piece. But I have only one question.

What happened to my clothes?