Identical Twins? Only in Men, Says Witness
by Taylor Traxilopolis, Paragon News Network
ATLAS PARK/MERCY ISLE - Protecting our fair citizens in Atlas Park or menacing them in Mercy Isle?
You decide.
Today, dear readers, just might be a case of mistaken identity. Identical twins -- both um, gay from the get-go, but one let's say, erm, one more evil than the other.
(can I say that on this network, Ed? Oh, okay. Thanks.)

"Talk about fighting from the moment they were born," says Power.Boy, former "special friend" and now co-sponsor to Size Queen.
"Of course one look at the two of them and you know instantly they're, well, brothers."
Power.Boy seemed to fade away at this point, a silly grin crossing his face. Catching himself, he laughed, then said "Whew, lemme tell ya, though -- to me, Size Queen will always be number one in my book, and well, Size Queen, Too is well, number two, if you get my meaning."
What does he mean?
"I'm sure I don't know -- but it's not like he's a recuit or anything," sighed Power.Gal, snapping her gum and looking bored but fabulous in her new D&G supersuit, cape and everything. "It's not like they notice anything about me but my shoes."
Then why the fuss?
"I think he's really cute," giggled Lil Bunny Foo Foo from her cell phone in The Hollows. "Which one? Oh, I don't know, both?"
"NO COMMENT," stated Power.Woman flatly. "Like Size.Queen even has a chance at membership!"
Sounding more than a little bitter, she continued: "Those two size queens have nothing to do with Power, Incorporated, period. And yes, we're supportive of our gay and lesbian hero members, but this isn't about that," she finished flatly, rolling her eyes and gesturing to her numerous supportive ribbons. "And no, I don't care to elaborate," she yelled over her shoulder after taking flight at a remarkable speed.
But, dear readers, how can two --yes TWO brothers -- TWIN brothers, much less -- have such different personalities?
"I don't know, and I can't begin to explain it," sighed Power.Lad. "But they definitely have the same taste in men," he concluded, refusing to elaborate.
The terrible-but-innocent, the tremulous, titillating tumecent twins.
Hot stuff or a tempest brewing?
Dear readers, you decide. Meanwhile, I'll be watching.