City of Heroes Supergroup Blog

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What happened to Power, Inc.?

By Sally Vertox, The Hollows Hard Times

What has happened to Power, Inc.? It's a question that's been on the mind of many a Paragon City citizen.

But this reporter learned that nothing has happened. Nothing that can be officially reported.

Until now.

This reporter has learned through an exclusive interview with veteran member Power.Gal that many things have happened indeed -- New members, trials and tribulations and yes, a death in the ranks.

Stay tuned for part one in a series of articles covering what exactly has been going on with Power, Inc.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Power.Babe Bites the Big One

by Syrifax Eliquenteta, The Daily Obituary

THE HOLLOWS - They called him bossy, but he was anything but.

He was Power.Babe, the big blue ox and he's well, dead.

A stand-out in any crowd, he only recently appeared in Pargon City, first appearing at a costume constest in front of Atlas Park City Hall, showing off his new mechanical legs he received after having his hooves amputated by a Warrior swordsman.

"He was really different, that's fer shur," said Lil Bunny Foo Foo, local suck up and recent tank-to-blaster convert.

"He was always focused on what was best for the team -- not himself," she said, polishing off a rather large carrot. "The fact that he gave me a fiver to say that is really well, irrelevant."

A direct decendant of the original blue ox, Babe appeared on the hero scene in Paragon City only recently. No one is quite clear how he materialized -- whether he was born, or whether some peculiar magic caused him to just well, appear.

But the facts remain that for twelve long years, he toiled in the likes of Atlas Park, Galaxy City and finally The Hollows, saving citizens and even the occasional villain from an unnecessary demise.

But as suddenly as he arrived, he was gone.

Although yet to be proven, rumors have been swirling that he dematerialized after being on the receiving end of some rather harsh words from a disgruntled Peacebringer during a FrostFire mission, never to reappear.

Those whose path he crossed remember him fondly.

"I was minding my own business, taking a leisurely stroll on the river's edge. That's when this creepy dude in a robe started hurling knives at me." whispered Joy Jalopy, a reluctant resident of the often violent, never patrolled Hollows district.

"But out of the blue -- pardon the expression -- came Power.Babe with a small group of Longbow soldiers and wow, did he kick ass. I'll always be in his debt," she stated firmly. "That stupid villain never even knew what hit him, and it serves him right. I'm gonna miss the big blue lug," she sniffed, wiping a tear from her mud-stained face.

As will we all, dear citizen, as will we all.

Donations to the Power.Babe memorial statue fund can be made anonymously by contacting his supergroup, Power, Incorporated.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Identical Twins? Only in Men, Says Witness

by Taylor Traxilopolis, Paragon News Network

ATLAS PARK/MERCY ISLE - Protecting our fair citizens in Atlas Park or menacing them in Mercy Isle?

You decide.

Today, dear readers, just might be a case of mistaken identity. Identical twins -- both um, gay from the get-go, but one let's say, erm, one more evil than the other.

(can I say that on this network, Ed? Oh, okay. Thanks.)

I bring you, average audience, Size Queen! (watch an intro to Size Queen :32) and Size Queen, Too! (watch an intro to Size Queen, Too :32) -- identical twins and bitter enemies.

"Talk about fighting from the moment they were born," says Power.Boy, former "special friend" and now co-sponsor to Size Queen.

"Of course one look at the two of them and you know instantly they're, well, brothers."

Power.Boy seemed to fade away at this point, a silly grin crossing his face. Catching himself, he laughed, then said "Whew, lemme tell ya, though -- to me, Size Queen will always be number one in my book, and well, Size Queen, Too is well, number two, if you get my meaning."

What does he mean?

"I'm sure I don't know -- but it's not like he's a recuit or anything," sighed Power.Gal, snapping her gum and looking bored but fabulous in her new D&G supersuit, cape and everything. "It's not like they notice anything about me but my shoes."

Then why the fuss?

"I think he's really cute," giggled Lil Bunny Foo Foo from her cell phone in The Hollows. "Which one? Oh, I don't know, both?"

"NO COMMENT," stated Power.Woman flatly. "Like Size.Queen even has a chance at membership!"

Sounding more than a little bitter, she continued: "Those two size queens have nothing to do with Power, Incorporated, period. And yes, we're supportive of our gay and lesbian hero members, but this isn't about that," she finished flatly, rolling her eyes and gesturing to her numerous supportive ribbons. "And no, I don't care to elaborate," she yelled over her shoulder after taking flight at a remarkable speed.

But, dear readers, how can two --yes TWO brothers -- TWIN brothers, much less -- have such different personalities?

"I don't know, and I can't begin to explain it," sighed Power.Lad. "But they definitely have the same taste in men," he concluded, refusing to elaborate.

The terrible-but-innocent, the tremulous, titillating tumecent twins.

Hot stuff or a tempest brewing?

Dear readers, you decide. Meanwhile, I'll be watching.