Spotted: Power.Lad Sports Look Number Five
by Hedda S. Mint, Paragon City Tattler
STEEL CANYON - We've seen him hither, thither and yon, saving our citizens left and right. We've learned about his background and his taste for clothes. But he's ours, and we love him -- and we've never seen him look better. He's Power, Incorporated's Power.Lad -- and our tattlers tell us that he's been sporting a new look, courtesy of our favorite couture queen, Serge of ICON Tailor Shops.
"I spotted him when he went in," reported a friend of Serge's, who didn't wish to be identified. "He'd been sportin' a very dark look recently -- all this black and silver with this sort of blood red lining in his cape. But when he came out -- Dude! He was all heroic looking, standing tall and proud. I don't what he did in there, but the lad looked happy."

That was three days ago. When he finally did return my call, Serge was unusually brief -- well, brief for him.
"Well, of course he was in here, darling. He only comes to me, you know. I had just gotten back from Milan (oh what a terrible, terrible story -- but that's for another day, mon dieu)."
He sighed into the phone, then continued:
"Anyway, I had an inspiration, darling, a divine inspiration. All these heroes today, they look so garish lately, no style, nothing that screams HERO. He snorted in disgust. "People want a hero, not a trainwreck, you know! Wait, where was I? Ah oui. So I have this marvelous inspiration, and I know that it can only be for one hero -- Power.Lad! A bold dash of yellow was just what his red and blue look needed. Something classic, powerful. But uncommon, darling, uncommon. Then, voila! The next thing you know he flies through our doors like the dear angel that he is, and landed right in my personal fitting room."
He paused dramatically.
"It was almost telepathic."
He paused again before continuing.
"And the results? Well, of course, darling they are fabulous! But you shall see for yourself!" he crowed triumpantly before disconnecting the call.
Surprisingly, calls to Power.Lad have not yet been returned. Odd, he usually loves the press.
And how does look number five stand up to previous costumes? Heroic? Definitely. Fabulous? Not so sure. Trainwreck? That's for you to decide, dear readers, for you to decide.
But personally, I wouldn't care if he were naked -- he's that adorable.
Always impartial, always on alert, and always yours dear readers.
-- Hedda
Power Lad you look soooooooooo cute with your new costume. YEA, Power Lad!!
I would like to hear about that terrible Milan story . *giggle* Ya know the one where my big sis,kitten kicked your butt all the way to Milan. Serge, next time remember electric fences cant keep out Kitten with a whip!
My big Sis Rocked and socked you!
hahahaha Luv you Kitten.
4/14/2006 01:05:00 PM
And by the way, despite what this airhead reporter says, I have not retired costume number 4 - i use it for all night missions and anytime I need to be stealthy. Or when I'm in a darker mood. Whatever.
But I do adore the new one, I have to say. Why aren't there more reflective glass buildings in Paragon City? It would save me time!
4/17/2006 03:04:00 PM
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