Power, Incorporated Role Call: May 2006
Here's a quick check-in from all the active heroes in Power, Incorporated for the month of May, 2006. Check back during the month, as we will be adding more updates from other members not listed here as they check in.

One of Power, Incorporated's more wacky members, Dora is also one of the most effective in battle (she and L'il Horfrost are still arguing over who's holds are better). She's often spotted with Power.Man as she works her way towards level 30.

Poor Fawkes. She never really had a chance. Shortly after joining Power, Incorporated, Fawkes was kidnapped by Fire.Widow, a most horrible villain and long-time enemy of Power.Woman. It was reported that Fire.Widow used her extensive magical knowledge to strip Fawkes of her phoenix-like abilities before destroying her permanantly. Power.Woman refuses to comment on the subject.

A childhood friend of Dora Dementia, Gravity.Gal was one of the heroes who tried to save Fawkes (see Tyronix) from the evil villain Fire.Widow. She, too never had a chance against the powerful magic that caused her gravity powers to crush her instead. Power, Incorporated owes a great debt to our fallen members, and we are thankful for all they've done.

Sometimes undercover, sometimes without a shirt, but always hot, Judo.Lad continues to be one of the main ass-kickers for Power, Incorporated, often fighting alongside L'il Horfrost, Power.Boy, Mason Shura and Kitten With a Whip.

Last seen in the murky swamps of Croatoa, it is the understanding of Power, Incorporated that he remains an active member. Although our resources cannot confirm his exact whereabouts, we are confident that he will return.

The spunky l'il coldster continues to fight his way towards level 30. His older and larger counterpart, Horfrost, just celebrated reaching level 20. And L'il Horfrost doesn't care what Dora says, he is the better controller.

The mysterious Power.Gal has not been seen a lot lately. She recently was seen chatting with White.Witch at the green line station in Independence Port. What she's been up to is a mystery, although it's been noted that her looks have changed back back to the Power.Lass days.

Aside from myriad costume changes, battles in Striga Isle have dominated Power.Lad's time of late. He was recently seen fighting alongside White.Witch, who was sporting strange new cloaking armor she has been using to fool the Freakshow.

The current supreme leader of Power, Incorporated, Power.Woman has recently taken a backseat in heroics, preferring instead to manage the supergroup base, provide guideance to the new members, and protect the media reputatation of the supergroup and its members. She plans to rejoin the fight once the younger members hit their thirties.

It was Tyronix and Gravity.Gal who tried to save Fawkes from Fire.Widow's clutches. They, too never had a chance. Fire.Widow not only kidnapped Fawkes, but she had clearly done her homework. She turned Tyronix's sonic waves against him, shattering his skull. He never even made it to level three.

She's Power, Incorporated's top healer (Power.Boy and Mason.Shura may dispute this, but it's true!). She was most recently seen fighting with Power.Lad and Lava.Lad in Striga Isle (see related article) and Independence Port.
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