Long Jack: The Struggle for Striga
by Tabiltner Jones, Paragon City Times
STRIGA ISLE - Famous shipping port and former home of the Fifth Column command base, the lost isle of Striga is now the home for The Council, a terrible army of medically enhanced soldiers bent on world domination.
Accessible only by ferry from Talos Island, the small strip of land off the coast is also dominated by members of The Family, Banished Pantheon zombies, Sky Raider soldiers, and members of the Warriors gang, all jockeying for space, and more importantly, control.

I recently interviewed Long Jack, a long-time hero liason in Striga Isle, to learn more about recent rumors that two of the city's most cherished heroes had been captured and tortured by The Council.
"I've seen a lot of heroes come and go," sighed Long Jack. "Everyone knows I got a big problem with the recruitment tactics of these lowlifes, and the hero missions help slow The Council's expansion."
He grimaced, then turned and spat, tobacco splashing onto his faded boots.
"Like that recent mission that White.Witch and Power.Lad did for me. Simple. Just break into one of The Council's hideouts, rescue a scientist who'd been kidnapped, then get out."
He dug into his pouch and jammed more tobacco into his lip, flicking the extra bits from his fingers.

He spat again. "But I met with them afterwards, and they were just fine, nevermind what the photo looked like. I mean, White's a healer -- they were never in any real danger."
He frowned, his eyes locking onto a couple of thugs from The Family shaking down a scared looking Warrior.
"Look, I gotta get outta here." He climbed into his boat. "Thanks for the interview, but you'd better get lost, and fast!" He unhooked his mooring rope and pushed off the edge of dock with his foot. "I'd offer you a ride, but..."
Well, this reporter did make it back safely, thanks to a teleport to the Talos ferry by Power.Boy, who was just passing through.
As I stood on the deck of the departing boat, watching the setting sun cast its shadows on The Council patrols marching in perfect unison in greater and greater numbers through the sandy streets, it became more clear than ever that the struggle for Striga Isle is far from over.
I think the flame guns tickle, too.
4/27/2006 12:49:00 PM
I'm getting really tired of teleporting reporters.
4/27/2006 12:50:00 PM
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