Oh My! What’s That Smell?
by Terry B. L. Paine, Paragon Tattler
STEEL CANYON - A typical, gorgeous day in Paragon City.
Or was it? Do we in the media keep too much information from the public? Are we ourselves scared to look deeper? It's a question that troubles me every day, dear readers.
Especially last Wednesday.
As usual, I was taking my midday walk around the building where the Paragon Tattler is located (it’s far too dangerous to walk there in the evenings or early in the morning, you know). It was a beautiful day -- the sun was shining, the air was clear and warm and all of the seemingly three birds left in the entire city were singing their asses off.

Well, dear readers, you know me; I can’t just pass up anything interesting. Killer cat-like curiosity and all. I sped up my pace a bit, staying very close to the side of the building. I didn't want to get caught in some crazy mess, but I just had to take a peek at what could be causing it.
The waves of smell got stronger and stronger as I reached the corner of the building where a rather dark alley began. I cautiously approached the mouth of the alley and slowly took a peek. But before I could see anything, I heard a loud groan, and a colossal figure stumbled out of the alley shadows looking deathly ill.
I plotzed when I saw who it was, dear readers -- it was the one and only Horfrost! He looked just awful, his face a pale green with flies buzzing around his immense frame, eager for the feast. I could almost see the fumes of funk rising from his back.
Poor Horfrost stumbled to the curb and well... let’s just say he felt better afterwards. I started towards him, hoping I could be of some help. But he quickly looked up, raised his hand and told me to back away, which I did gladly as the wall of smell emanating from him was beginning to overwhelm me.
TP: “What happened to you?” I yelled from a safe distance. “Do you have the flu or something? I thought heroes couldn’t get the flu.”
HF: “It’s not the flu. I’ve been infected by the Vasilock Wasting Disease (WVD). Don’t get any closer or you might catch it and turn into one of those mindless, rotting zombies.”
TP: “But why aren’t you a zombie?”
HF: “Because I’m a hero.”
Then he burped, his embarassment barely showing through the green, then slowly flew away surrounded by a cloud of buzzing insects.
What bravery, ladies and gentlemen! What sacrifice! But our hero flew so slowly, so painfully that I decided it would be best to keep up with him and find out where he was going in case he needed help. I followed Horfrost to one of our city-wide science factories, hid myself and watched him enter the building. I quickly followed, eagar to learn more.
And I did. Let’s just say this, dear readers -- horrible things are being kept hidden behind our city walls that the general public doesn’t know about.
Anyway, I trailed our sick superhero for the next couple of hours, watching him kick zombie butt. Then, mission completed, Horfrost evaporated right before my eyes. I ran to an outside door and exited the building only to see him slowly flying away. I again followed him, this time to a scientist who gave him the antidote he was seeking.
Now I’m not one to gossip, ladies and gentlemen, but I still can’t believe that a virus of that magnitude doesn’t have everyone running scared. But I guess if you have heroes like the members of Power, Incorporated, you needn’t worry too much. In fact, after what I saw today, I’m not worried at all.
Interesting, though, that it's not the first time a member of this infamous group has come down with VWD.
This is Terry B. L. Payne, curious as a cat and sneaky as one too, signing off. And just remember, if you smell something bad, be extra careful! It may be a member of a Vahzilok zombie squad.
Or, maybe -- just maybe -- it's that guy in the cube next to you with bad case of VWD.
Poor Horfrost. But I do believe the fact that Power.Lad also had VWD is completely unrelated. Frankly, I don't think Horfrost is his type. :)
4/24/2006 02:35:00 PM
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